Reading Reflection #2 chapters 5 – 8 of the book Groundswell by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff. Seduce = persuade Brands listening to the, talking with the and energizing Groundswell

Reflection chapters 5 – 8
 of the book Groundswell by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff. 

Seduce = persuade
Brands listening to the, talking with the and energizing Groundswell

Welcome to another blog in the communicator's lens. We all know that to seduce is to provoke attraction consciously, where the ability to induce a person to do a certain action or participate in a certain behavior that ends up being persuasion.

The groundswell has the power to seduce = persuade and to influence the lives of others if you know how to listen, talk, enthuse it. Today we know that it is no longer enough for brands to show us the quality, quantity, variety of their products, but to create an important link in our lives in three important moments: before, during and after will be everything if they want to retain us. It means, a link that narrows us and makes us feel special, as part of your family.

Of course, making a connection between us, that would generate a communication and at the same time confidence, that will equal a unique experience. The brands do not tell us, but they dream of feeling wanted and desired, that their products are positioned in different sectors, and are the favorites for the target. At the same time, we, the consumers, want to let us be part of the feedback and have the chance to talk about experiences.

A brand knows how to reach its customer and satisfy its demands. As Li and Bernoff says every conversation includes talking as well (Pg. 98) so that, it also attracts the faithful attention of it and generates a storytell or Word of mouth that makes people's natural desire to share their experiences with family, Friends, and colleague (Pg. 130)

A company which is an example of this is NESTLE, the company originated in Switzerland which is the world's largest food and beverage company that has more than 2000 brands ranging from global icons to local favorites, present in 189 countries around the world. Nestle, shows in its Spanish version an example to highlight for the good social practices with its clients. During the 150 years of Nestle’s history, its objective has been to respond to the needs of the consumer. In social networks it has seen a clear opportunity to continue to reach the user and respond to all of his or her messages.

Although they are on all platforms like: facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, it is worth noting that their star media is their YouTube channel. In this space, users share videos and opinions.

Today, it already has four channels:

And all of them are continuously updated and have a large number of followers.They also have an account on twitter that named Nestlé consumer care with the @NestleCare where they answer every question that the constumers around the world have. 

Nestle knows creating a community means to create a community to engage and empower their customers. This way, they company has a better understanding of customers' needs.Thus it will continue to be a family favorite. 

For all of those who read my blog I have a question: do you think that consumers prefer to be seduced by the brand or would they rather be seduced by other consumers when it comes to knowing the quality of the product, service?


  1. Hi!
    This is actually a great example of a brand which creates around itself not customers but family members.
    Answering your question, I would say that it doesn't really matter to me as long as a product\service is good! A company may infuse a feeling that they care about me and that I need what they offer. At the same time my friend or anyone engaged in word of mouth can be quite eloquent in describing pros of a product that I would definitely want to try it by myself. The only thing here is that their reviews should be genuine, from the bottom of the heart as it is said!


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