Reading Reflection #1 chapters 1-4 of the book Groundswell by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff. Working, marketing means today in the future (is)….

  Reflection of chapters 1-4 of the book Groundswell by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff. 

Working, marketing means today in the future (is)…

Have you ever heard about digital inclusion?

We might have heard about inclusion in different kinds of ways. At least, I know that I have. While I was going through chapter by chapter in the Groundswell book this word came to mind.

I would like to share my reflection about those four chapters from the book and will say that my reflections so far are in two positions:

1)Digital inclusion requires three factors for its operation: computer, access to the network, and who masters those tools. The digital inclusion is a democratization of the process of accessing information technology. We have to considering that it is not only used to collect information but also to generate content that is critical and improves living conditions.

2)The markets are conversational, due to the social phenomenon that the groundswell has generated brands now hear and talk to their customers, interact with them and let them be part of their process, growth, and changes.  Nowadays, to work, or to make a product, a successful person must look for connectivity - communication alternatives where they are able to talk, listen, and do this thing between each other, where they know that they can influence but not control the result. However, having the opportunity to generate a conversation will take us strategically to an interest of transactions.

                People.                   Brands.
    (The first group in your left ).  (The girl in your right). 

That means, that we are talking to each other about brands and brands already know it, and as a result, they want to hear from us. It is because of this that brands have decided to enter to the world of groundswell. From my point of view, I have learned from these 4 chapters of the groundswell book that the marketing job is often structured like this:

Individuals: Connection: blogs, platforms, wikis, social media,     
among others.

       Office: The network 

            Time: 8 - 5, all the time 24/7

Groundswell gives us the opportunity to interact, to talk and test through conversation that if you can have quality of service and products, that we can exchange needs.

I have to tell you that my biggest reflection so far from these chapters is that I am educating myself to listen, speak, and transmit energy from groundswell and for the groundswell as well.

For all those reading this post, do you see technology at the service of a strategic conversation, or just the marketing of a product?

Thank You! 




  1. Hi Maria, great post. I do believe that technology is at service of strategic conversation. We used everyday and without even knowing that we are contributing to the groundswell. Now, a lot of companies used to increse followers, fans and customers. This way of communication is amazing and we most encouraged others to persue it.

  2. I think that no matter what you contribute to the groundswell, it is making an impact somewhere. I don't post on my Instagram every single day but I do go on every day and like my friends photos. Although I may not be as much of a creator as other people, I am still valuable to the groundswell because I am a joiner and spectator of the content. Companies can analyze my activity and use it to their advantage, by guessing what kind o products or services I might like based on what I have willingly (yet knowingly) shared what I liked. So in relation to the question you propose, I suppose it's all a marketing scheme!


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